Prayer Requests

We believe in the collective power of prayer, please join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ

Matthew 18:19 “I also tell you this: if two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you”

  • Financial stability while in school especially with a full ride scholarship I have recently applied for

  • Increased trust as I start expanding the ministry God placed on my heart

  • Favor for a new career opportunity

  • My friend feels lost in life and I pray that her hearts begins to seek Jesus

  • Friend’s relationship with mom to be improved

  • Continued ability to be disciplined in the area’s God is growing me

Share your prayer requests and praise reports

We encourage our community to send in prayer requests and praise reports for yourself or others to be added to the website. Your name will remain anonymous and if you would like personal prayer, please email us


Praise Reports

Let’s celebrate who God is and all He has done for His children! This reminds us of God’s character and His limitless power.

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice”

  • A job was created in position that I did not have the qualifications for

  • Received a job offer for a job that I did not apply for

  • God’s patience because I be trippin

  • Getting me through my graduate program

  • Strength to end a relationship that was pulling me away from Jesus and my purpose

  • A renewed mind because I thought I would never get over a painful situation

  • Godly community and friends that has continually brought me closer to Him

  • Vision and strength to finish this project

  • Removing my desire for weed because ya girl used to be chopped

  • Got a local job for my next assignment so I can spend more time at home

  • Mother’s physical healing